Planting Biodiverse Forests

Provinces Panamá, Darien and Veraguas


The Panama Reforestation Project was the first Gold Standard-certified agroforestry program in the world — a true tree planting pioneer. What used to be degraded farmland is now turning into strong, biodiverse forests all over Panama, mixing 20 local tree species with farmed cocoa trees and sustainable timber, alongside dedicated conservation areas.

How it works

Trees are a highly-efficient and self-growing form of carbon capture and storage. They absorb and break down CO2 via photosynthesis, store the carbon in their biomass as they grow, and release the oxygen back into the air for us to breathe.

For decades, this project has been planting and nurturing trees at a large scale, turning degraded land into rich “carbon sinks", while providing lasting jobs for many communities and creating new wildlife corridors for 15 endangered animal species to roam and flourish.

Why we chose it

We chose this project because of its outstanding biodiversity benefits and its pioneering work in establishing regenerative agriculture within forestry contexts. Both create value for the local population and its farmers by fostering a resilient ecosystem as well as a stable source of income from harvest. This long-term community value is the best assurance for the protection of these forests — long beyond the formal project lifetime.
Claire Mueller
Head of Finance

Project photos

Project fact sheet


The project has over 50 reforestation areas in three provinces across Panama. Panama is an ideal location for reforestation because natural disasters are rare, and the tropical climate supports an abundance of species and rapid tree growth.
Provinces Panamá, Darien and Veraguas
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Project nameCO2OL Tropical Mix
Active since1995
CertificationGold Standard
Project developerForliance
Technical documentForliance
Project design validated byControl Union
Credits verified byControl Union
Registry entryGold Standard Registry
Read moreKlima Blog
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